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The Botanist Blog

How The Botanist came to be...

How The Botanist came to be...

How The Botanist came to be...

How The Botanist came to be...

  Hi! I'm Sarah 👋🏻 Many of you may remember me from such elaborate creations.... Well covid and a new bub with health challenges, put a quick stop of all of that!  In hindsight, covid - and a...

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Nutty, Collagen Hot Chocolate; It’s the gift that says 'look after yourself too!'

Nutty, Collagen Hot Chocolate; It’s the gift that says 'look after yourself too!'

Brought to you by the inclusions of our 'New Mum' Gift Bundle, is this wonderfully feel-good, low sugar, magnesium infused, Nutty Collagen Hot Choc! Consider this a little nudge to find some time f...

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Flower care 101: 5 ways to keep your flowers fresher, longer!

Flower care 101: 5 ways to keep your flowers fresher, longer!

Flowers are a lot like us - a little love and care goes a long way! To get the maximum life and enjoyment out of your flowers, follow these handy tips.

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